Applied science


The Pre-Graduate pathway is based around specific subject areas and is designed to consolidate and develop your knowledge in preparation for university application. Some Pre-Graduate programmes link directly to existing A level subjects, whereas others are intended to bridge the gap between sixth form and university courses.

20th-Century Britain

We take a look at the changing face of British culture in post-war Britain exploring how several major social and historical developments of the last 60 years have shaped literature, drama, film, music, comedy and more.

Advanced Problems in Maths

Beautiful problems with elegant solutions are their own reward – in fact, if you’re that way inclined, there is little in life more satisfying! You will employ some ingenious techniques, out-of-the-box thinking and a healthy dose of brute force to solve a wide range of problems both within the curriculum and beyond, with a nod to the MAT, TMUA and STEP university admissions tests.

American Studies

Explore the complexities and contradictions in American depictions of itself to itself as we study the context of and cinematic depictions of some of the most significant aspects of American history and culture.

Anatomy & Pathology

This enrichment opportunity will provide students with an extended knowledge of the bodily structure and physiology of humans as well as other living organisms, revealed by dissection, microscopy, research, and video. Students will be given the opportunity to study the anatomy of different organisms in detail and make comparisons to identify differences between structures and determine how and why each organism has evolved the physiology it has. The study of the causes and effects of disease or injury on organs such as the eye, heart, lungs, kidney and liver will also be incorporated, mostly through the analysis of blood, tissue and fluid samples as well as extending understanding into some less well-studied afflictions including Neglected Tropical Diseases. This enrichment course is ideal for A level biology or Applied Science students that want to deepen their knowledge beyond the standard curriculum as well as those students wishing to pursue a degree in biology, medicine, or veterinary science in the future.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Each member of the class will be expected to take part in lessons on dissection. We would therefore recommend that anyone who is susceptible to fainting and/ or nausea due to blood etc. may not be best suited to this course.IMPORTANT NOTE: You will be expected to take part in lessons on dissection. It is recommended that if you are susceptible to fainting and/ or nausea due to blood etc. then this course may not be suitable for you. 

An Introduction to Astrophysics

Through ‘An Introduction to Astrophysics’ you will learn about the amazing things we do know about the Universe, such as the science behind rockets and black holes. But you will also learn about the things we have yet to discover such as whether life exists, whether we live in a simulation and what we know about dark matter and dark energy. 


Considering becoming the next Indiana Jones, or simply want to widen your historic knowledge?

If so, this short enrichment course in archaeology could be useful to you. In archaeology enrichment, you will focus on ritual and religion, beliefs systems, and the actual activities related to such beliefs including mortuary practices and their related structures, such as cremation and inhumation, including the construction of elaborate funerary monuments within the British Isles.

As a result, archaeology is a suitable enrichment for you, if you want to study anthropology, archaeology, history and also some science-based subjects and there is a wide scope to archaeology that you may find interesting and can be taken further at degree level. In addition to this, you will consider the interpretation of archaeological survey data, excavation and post excavation analysis, linking to pre-historic sites such as Stonehenge, Avebury and other ritual landscapes within the UK. This will help you begin to understand the ritual practices and associated symbolic expression linking artwork and its interpretations with the landscape, and ultimately, shedding some light on our pre-historic ancestors from the three-age system, the Stone, Bronze and Iron ages.

Bar Mock Trial

The Bar Mock Trial Competition helps you understand how the law touches every aspect of your life, gaining an insight into how the legal justice system works. You are encouraged to think critically, build arguments and boost your confidence. During the session you will look at how criminal trials are carried out and focus on each of the roles within the Crown Court. Then, you will prepare opening and closing speeches and witness testimony, in order to then compete against other schools and colleges in a real Crown Court. This is a unique enrichment where you will develop a sound knowledge and understanding of the role of law and the justice system in our society.

Behavioural Finance

In this dynamic and thought-provoking course, we delve into the fascinating intersection of psychology and finance, exploring how human behaviour influences the financial choices we make. The course provides a unique opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of the behavioural aspects that drive financial decision making.

Behavioural Finance is an emerging field that seeks to unravel the mysteries behind why individuals often make irrational or suboptimal financial decisions. By examining the psychological biases, cognitive shortcuts, and emotional factors that impact our choices, this course equips students with valuable insights to navigate the complex financial landscape and make more informed decisions for themselves.

Biomedical Sciences

This very popular enrichment will look at the crucial role of Biomedical Scientists within hospitals and the work done to support doctors in their diagnosis of disease. Students will look at the fields of Haematology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, including parasitology, Histology and give students a chance to look at case studies to diagnose and develop laboratory skills in these areas by carrying out practical work in this subject. Students will be guided in independent study and present findings to strengthen communication skills. This is ideal for students wishing to go further in careers of Biomedical Sciences or the medical field and will give you a true insight into diagnostic testing.

Channel your Inner Bob Ross (Term 1 only)

You will follow a series of experimental painting workshops that explore the Bob Ross’ signature style. The Workshop will help you develop techniques in painting landscape, seascape, floral and wildlife scenery using the wet-on-wet technique that allows you develop pieces in a short period of time. You will delve into technical elements such as tool application, layering and mixing to build those iconic “happy trees,” “almighty mountains” and “fluffy clouds”. You will also gain valuable insights into the professional artists life and learn to work with freedom and expression through mark making and textural paint quality. Just bring yourself and we will provide everything you need to explore a memorable painting experience.

Code Breaking and The Maths Challenge

Do you enjoy a challenge? Solving puzzles something you do for fun? Then Maths Challenge and Code Breaking is for you. Taking part in the Maths Challenge will pit your Maths wit against other students across the country. We will prepare you to answer unusual and interesting Maths puzzles as well as develop skills like team work and time management.

The secret world of codes and ciphers has helped our county in all sorts of ways. From communicating in wars to protecting our internet purchases from hackers. Codes effect our everyday lives. You could become an expert. We will learn about the codes used in the war, the ENIGMA machine and how the code was cracked, as well as learning how to crack all sorts of different codes.

CREST Award - 20 weeks

CREST Award is an independent investigation into a science related topic of your choosing. CREST gives you the opportunity to submit an academic report to obtain a gold silver or bronze award. CREST will provide you with the skills required for further study and equip you with the tools to carry out investigations and create coherent scientific reports. 


In this course you will explore definitions of crime and how crime can vary over time, place and culture. You will learn about some of the key techniques involved in criminal investigations and examine their usefulness. You will consider the structure of the Criminal Justice System and the role each organisation plays in controlling crime? You will get to hear from people working within the Police and Probation Service. Finally, you will explore different punishments for criminality and assess how well they achieve the different aims of punishment.

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking is a skill that involves understanding and evaluating reasoning. We are constantly reasoning. It is what we do every time we think about why, whether and how to do something, or whether to believe what someone is telling us. We live in an age in which we are bombarded with media of all types attempting to influence our choices. Critical Thinking can help your judgement by directing you to consider the credibility of evidence and the weaknesses/flaws in arguments. It also helps you to construct more persuasive arguments. 

Decision Maths

Decision mathematics has become popular in recent decades because of its applications to Computer Science although it is suited to other subjects too, including Business and Biology. Many of the problems involve Optimisation – finding an efficient solution – and hence methods are applicable to many real world situations.

Economics ideas that have shaped our world

“The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed the world is ruled by little else.”

Dive into a rich and engaging exploration of economic thought, from the sands of the 14th Century Maghreb to the bustling trade floors of the 21st Century.

We begin our journey with the seminal work of the insightful Arab philosopher, Ibn Khaldun. Students will grapple with Khaldun's pioneering concepts such as 'Asabiyyah' (social cohesion), cyclical societal change, and the early understanding of labor specialization. We'll study how these ideas helped societies form, grow, and prosper and discuss their relevance today.

From the Middle Ages, we'll venture into the birth of modern economics, dissecting the influential theories of Adam Smith, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, and Milton Friedman. We will learn how these theories shaped economic policies worldwide, influenced global events, and continue to impact our everyday lives.

In the final stretch of the course, we’ll tackle contemporary economic concepts and phenomena, such as globalization, digital currencies like Bitcoin, income inequality, and sustainable economics. Our students will gain an understanding of the underlying economic principles driving today's headlines and debates.

Environmental Microbiology

This enrichment will be looking at the diverse world of environmental microbiology.
Discover how to isolate, culture and identify microbes present in the soil, water, the environment around you and the microbes living on you. You will practice aseptic microbiological laboratory techniques, identification tools and fully research and present a chosen microbe and its impact to health, industry, and its role in the environment.

Foreign Film

Experience images and stories from cultures and places around the world as watch cinema produced beyond Hollywood and explore the stories other cultures tell about themselves.

From Nature to Netflix: How did we get here?

12,000 years ago, the first human of our kind was born. Homo Sapiens spent thousands of years roaming the land, hunting and foraging, wearing furs, and living in groups of about 30. Today, people can live in one place their whole lives, we have mega-cities with millions of people, we manipulate the entire planet to suit our needs, and we spend more time admiring the beauty of screens than the beauty of nature… How did we get here?

This anthropology course will look at 10 of the most important changes that happened to humanity and took us from living in caves to living on couches. This includes the invention of money, religion, farming, language, and more.

You should choose this if you ever look at parts of life and think “why is that a thing?”, “how does that work?”, or “why can’t we do this better?”

Introduction to Degree Level Mathematics

In this enrichment you will be introduced to some of the fascinating and varied topics you would study in a university mathematics degree. Topics will include investigating the different sizes of infinity and looking into the beautiful world of fractals. If you are considering doing a degree in mathematics in the future or if you just love mathematics then this enrichment is perfect for you.

Medical Geography

How geography and health interlink (increasingly). We will study how epidemiology has developed over the years and how development continues to prove both beneficial and costly to different countries and communities. We will delve deeper into how health is not always impacted solely through wealth via studying certain genetic disease, where research is still ongoing into incurable disease. We will assess the role of non-governmental organisations and charities in physical and human crisis’. This will provide students with a basis to carry out graduate skill-based task. This will include studying literature and the pitfalls of poor research, we will use this knowledge to help us create an idea for a test to identify an illness in a developing country with limited resources. We will study the use of Briefing Notes and trial writing one; as well as studying and attempting to write a reflection using a reflective cycle model regarding learning on the enrichment course. This is proven as an invaluable skill in academia and workplace for both professional and personal development.


This enrichment will be looking at the diverse world of environmental microbiology.

Discover how to isolate, culture and identify microbes present in the soil, water, the environment around you and the microbes living on you. You will practice aseptic microbiological laboratory techniques, identification tools and fully research and present a chosen microbe and its impact to health, industry, and its role in the environment.

Philosophy for Beginners

This enrichment is an introduction to Philosophy. Etymologically, philosophy means ‘the love of wisdom.’ Philosophy is the systematic study of ideas and issues, a reasoned pursuit of fundamental truths, a quest for a comprehensive understanding of the world, a study of principles of conduct, and much more. Topics for this enrichment include: Ancient Greek Philosophy, the Metaphysics of Mind, the Metaphysics of God and Moral Philosophy. Towards the end of the course, you will choose either a philosopher or an area of philosophy to conduct further research into.

Political Philosophy

This enrichment is an introduction to Political Philosophy. In this enrichment you will explore various arguments from historical and recent philosophers. You will be required to think critically and evaluate perspectives different to your own to truly understand the moral dilemmas facing governments around the world. Topics include:

  • Plato’s Philosophy
  • Social Contract Theory
  • John Rawls’ Veil of Ignorance
  • Bentham and Mill’s Utilitarianism
  • Deontology versus Consequentialism (The Trolley Problem)
  • Luck Egalitarianism (Bedtime stories to children)
  • Philosophy of Repatriations

Research Project (Choose a philosopher and conduct a university style research project) 

Psychology of Social Media

Are you addicted to social media? Find out the strategies used by social media companies to lure you in and increase your screen time. Find out how your ads are personalised and how you’re being manipulated!

Psychology You Should Know

“Is being a psychopath actually helpful? Is there such thing as free will? What are the most evil things found in behavioural research? Can you diagnose personality disorders? In this topic we will explore, discuss and review research into all these areas and more, in a dive into the weirdest, most wonderful, and downright bizarrest areas of behaviour – none of which covered by any A Level or Undergraduate degree in the country, providing you with an insight into higher-educational study, as well as providing an awareness of what potential careers in Psychology could involve”

Puzzling Problems

Do you enjoy solving puzzles?  In magazines, newspapers, online, or in books (e.g. Murdle).  If you enjoy the challenge of devilishly devious logic puzzles, then this enrichment is for you.   You will be presented with a wide variety of different and enjoyable puzzles to solve.  You will work in groups to pit your wits against a series of challenges.  You will employ some ingenious techniques, out-of-the-box thinking and a healthy dose of logic to solve a wide range of problems.  The logical thinking skills you will develop in this enrichment are very useful for many degree courses and are often part of graduate job selection processes. 

Tarantino’s Universe

This is the perfect enrichment for anybody who has an interest in examining a director’s work more closely to determine what makes a director an auteur. A French word meaning author, these sessions examine closely Tarantino’s auteur status through reviewing his films to see what reoccurring themes and stylistic devices are across such modern classics as Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs and The Hateful Eight. You will be equipped to review your own favourite directors and filmmakers whilst being able to critically, using film language, discuss what makes up Tarantino’s universe whilst also recreating the famous editing techniques on Premiere Pro.

The Suffragettes

From sewing the seeds of dissent in the eighteenth century to the achievement of enfranchisement in 1928, to our current struggles for equality in a modern-day Britain and beyond, we will explore how women’s rights have been fought for and won for us today. We will introduce founding figures like Mary Wollstonecraft, those who opposed the fight for equality (Queen Victoria!) and the iconic Suffragist and Suffragettes: Millicent Fawcett, Emmeline Pankhurst, Annie Kenny, Emily Davison and Princess Sophia Duleep Singh. We will take a critical look at the tactics of the movement, the propaganda and manifestos proposed at the time. We will make pilgrimage to the Pankhurst Museum in Manchester in order develop our knowledge and appreciation.

World Cinema

We look at foreign-language cinema from around the world and the issues raised by these films about the representations of cultural difference and similarity in cinema. Have a look beyond Hollywood and see what the rest of the planet is doing.